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Position:Home>Visual Arts> More pictures. Any tips???

Question: More pictures!. Any tips!??!?
I took what some of you said into consideration and I took some more pictures!. I know you said do a variaty on things but there was just a thunderstorm and I just had to take more landscape photos so here they are!. Be picky i need it!.

the storm: sry about the second one- the power lines were right in the way!.!.!.!.

and here is me, if you were wondering!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, I like the second one!. You may have lucked out with the matrix metering pattern, but the exposure seems pretty good to me!. It's what I would have gone for!. Very nice colors!. Subtle!. There is nothing to see in the trees and foreground, so putting them in silhouette is a good idea!.

The caterpillar is just not very interesting!. Parts of it are in focus!. For this type of image, with no real photographic potential (for art's sake), you need to think about the best way to just show the caterpillar in the best detail possible!. In order to do that, you need to have your subject close to parallel with your "film plane," which would really mean the sensor in your camera!.

In the last one, if the power lines were right in the way, consider how you might get the same shot without the power lines!. Walk forward 10 or 20 feet and see if you can recompose the same shot without getting the power lines there!. It's easy to be so overwhelmed by the beauty of the scene that you don't notice these distractions when you take the picture!. Go ahead and take that impulsive picture, because there might be something there that you can't capture if you hesitate!. Then go ahead and look at the scene before you move!. Maybe you can study the LCD image of your picture, but they are so small!.!.!. Look things over and ask what might detract from the shot or what might add to it!. Sometimes simply dropping to one knee will give you an entirely different end result!.

The clouds may have been beautiful in person, but they look like computer wallpaper waiting for something to be superimposed in front of them!.

My suggestion would be to spend a little more time visualizing the end result!. Compare this to what you really see and what you wish you could portray and see if you can make the two ideas comes together in one final image!.

Then again, I openly admit to removing powerlines in Photoshop!

There are some limitations to your camera (Sony W80), but you can use it as a learning tool for now and get the basic idea about compostion and so on!.

Now!.!.!. Go ahead and post some of your BEST work - things that you are proud of and don't need to apologize for - and ask for critique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My computer is being slow so I only looked at the first two and I absolutely LOVE the first one it's an amazing shot :]
The second is a great picture but it doesn't really stand out to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope i wasnt wonderingWww@QuestionHome@Com