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Position:Home>Visual Arts> In your own words, how would you describe what a graphic artist does?

Question: In your own words, how would you describe what a graphic artist does!?
I'm just trying to get a feel of what other people say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A graphic artist first has to produce or create an ad for advertisement purposes , whether it is for a company, a magazine a poster , a billboard or CD cover!. etc!.!.!.!.

Once it is created, he has to prepress which means, to convert all text into curves, and convert all images into CMYK !.!. After, save it in a PDF format or Tiff format!.

Just to point out that a PDF loses its color as compared to your original, I prefer jpeg hi-res or Tiff!.

Once that file is created, you have to print out a proof on your printer so that the compnay can have a feel of what his or her file looks like before printing!.

That's it!. !!!

Edit!.!.!.!. Mia!.!.!.!.!.some posters here have the wrong idea!.
First and foremost, a Graphic artist starts at $400 dollars a week to $1000 a week which is what I make on a 25 hours work week!.
A Graphic Artist has to be able to get in his customer's mind and catch immediately what he or she is trying to convey to you as to what they are looking for!.
A photographer catches with his lens, but a Graphic Artist catches with his mind and able to do this with 10 different custoners simultaneously!. That is why they are paid 50 to 100 grand a year!.

Hope this was helpful!.!.!.!.:-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since I aspire to be a Graphic Artist, I would have to say that it is a tough career to pursue because it involves true talent!. A Graphic Artist can do many things, such as designing magazine covers/cd covers/movie covers, to Designing Ad's for companies!. Most of what they design however, is done through the computer or drawn and scanned!. I would say most Graphic Designers use Photoshop, In Design, and Illustrator to make the best of their work!.
A Graphic Artist must project the images from their minds, to the computer screen and it is not the simplest of tasks!. Even making a small logo can be a very time consuming job!.
As well as knowing computer programs, I think a Graphic Artist also has to have a clue of how to work printing machinery since it is necessary to print copies of finished work for clients to approve!.
Over all, being a Graphic Artist is not an easy way to get paid a lot of money!. It is a time consuming, stressful job that involves using talent and skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that a graphic artist makes things look nice and function for there environment!.!.example

I don't think a graphic artist will design a metallic office !.!.!.in a home at the mountains !.!.
I think he will keep the design to look natural to the home in the mountains !.!.like it belongs there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creator of images
visual expressionist
a visual communicatorWww@QuestionHome@Com

a creatively unique wanderer hearts in realityWww@QuestionHome@Com