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Question: Opinions !?
I just wonder if this pic is good !?
I know its dark, but do I look ok on it !?!?!?!?

Just wondering, please give your opinion and Ill give the honest opinion 10 points!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It looks like a self portrait done by holding your arm out as far as you could!. I would suggest using a tripod and the self timer!.

also, clean up the edit a lil!. You either have blackened out the background too much and it looks like your arm is amputated, or you have an amputated arm and you are trying to hide it, poorly

On the good side, I really like the white shirt with your skin tone and the background on b&wWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad at all, and I would not say too dark!.
It is quite contrasty over all, but the face is clear enough!.
I think the face is just a little to high in the photo, but only slightly!. Being above centre with it works very nicely!.
This is quite a dramatic photo!.
This picture would work well blown up to a medium size wall mount with the cropping just like it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually I don't think it's bad!. Nicely composed, too!.

Unfortunately as you said it's quite dark!.

Do it again--go outside, under a cloudy day, focus on the eyes and it will be fine!. Something like this:


It's not bad, but what I don't like is that it seems your shirt is more important than your face because of the angle and lighting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good photo!

With only the center lit and the background totally black and unknown you created an air of mystery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. Its nice and I really don't mind the darkness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com