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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you identify the name and from what anime (or game) these characters are?? i

Question: Can you identify the name and from what anime (or game) these characters are!?!? i really need it, THANKS!!?
here is my multiply!.!. (there are numbers so, type in the number the name and anime/game it came from)

if you could answer all, then, i'll pick you as the best answerer, OR THE MOST that can give me the names and Anime/Game i'll give 5 stars!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
10 is from final fantasy 12 /5 and 2 is from naruto/ 6 is from power rangers/ 21 is from full metal alchemist/15 is from final fantasy crisis core/ 4 is from masked rider/ thats all i knowWww@QuestionHome@Com