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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Strange 'orbs' on camera, ever caught any yourself?

Question: Strange 'orbs' on camera, ever caught any yourself!?
i love photographic anomalies, doesn't just have to be orbs etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

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One of my students was very upset when a photo of her new baby had a big black crucifix all over her!.On closer quizing it turned out that it was the shadow of her window caste by the sunlight!!!!!
When using plate cameras it was a favourite joke to set up the shots in an old house and have the students load and expose a sheet of film out of a "new"packet!.The film had been pre-exposed with another student dressed in costume as a "ghost" and resealed in the box,which could not be seen as the dark slides have to be loaded in total darkness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never seen a convincing picture that supposedly shows "orbs!." All the pictures I've seen which people claim show orbs was obviously dust on the lens or in the air immediately in front of the camera!. I never get this problem with my film cameras, but it happens so often with my digital camera that now I wipe off the lens before I take any important pictures, so I don't get spots in the picture!. I think digital cameras have a tendency to get this problem, maybe because of static electricity attracts dust, or the sensor is more sensitive to dust on the lens!.

People wander through an abandoned building covered in dust, and then they're suprised when spots show up in the picture!?!? They they claim these are "orbs!."

I could take a picture right now, and chances are there will be an "orb" in the image!. I don't have any of them uploaded right now, but at least 1/3 of the pictures I've taken with my digital camera have "orbs!." For me, it's just a common annoyance!.

I'm not saying ghosts don't exist!.!.!.I'm just saying that I don't believe orbs exist!. Since I got interested in photography, I've learned a lot, and now I know there are so many things that can cause "weird" effects in a picture!. Orbs are easily explained!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not an orb!. when taking pictures with light coming from behind the subject, due to the characteristics of the lens, ghost patterns may appear in the captured image!. in this situation it is recommended that u avoid taking pictues with subject lit from behind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have but it was a picture taken in the attic, some say it is just dust that causes the orbs!.

However if you can capture an orb that is not on top of a solid object but half hidden behind it than it could be another story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a friend who took alot of shots at night of an abandoned hospital and he got hundreds of them floating around!. Really strange!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep - big fat raindrops on the lens when I was on holiday in New York last week!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i caught one but i think its the way the flash wentWww@QuestionHome@Com

theres no such thing!Www@QuestionHome@Com