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Question: How To Make An Animation!?
Well, I kind of phrased that question a bit funnily!. I should have said, "could someone tell me how to like draw and color the separate frames and then get them onto my computer and then do it with movie maker!. But if you know of a good program (not some free crap from the internet) that you can buy at like Future Shop or something that would be great to…" But yeah, I'm going to have this awesome series on animations and post them on You Tube!. BUT, something else I wanted to know, what if I put them on YouTube, and somebody saved the video onto their computer and got it published and said it was there idea!?!?!? That is wrong and I would not like it if it happened! So, I might not put it on YouTube, or I might make it a private video that only friends could watch!.!.!. o!.OWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some of the better commercial 2D animation programs such as Digicel Flipbook, Toon Boom, TVPaint, TAB, and PAP, have Student or Express versions that are fairly inexpensive!. However, you might be disappointed by how crippled these stripped down programs are compared to their more expensive Pro versions!. But if you look hard enough you should be able to find them cracked online (rapidshare, bittorrent)!. There are some free alternatives!.

If you're doing old school drawn on paper frame by frame stuff or stop-motion or 2D, I'd suggest MonkeyJam!. It's free!.


If you're on a Mac, use Pencil(there's PC and Linux versions as well)!.


If you want to do Flash animation like the stuff on Newgrounds!.com, either break down and buy Adobe Flash or you can try Creatoon or Synfig, which are free!. They're not Flash, but they also do vector based symbol oriented animation with tweening!.



Here are some online resources about the basic principles of animation!.
