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Question: Most annoying photography questions!?
#1 - How do you make a picture black and white except one color!?

#2 - Canon or Nikon!?

What else can you think of!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Am I hot!?

I messed up a photo, how do I fix it!?

What are some unique poses I can do for myspace!?

Help! I'm photographing my friend's wedding in a couple days!.

I dropped my camera, how do I fix it!?

How old do I look!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

what are some awesome myspace poses {of course this question goes into detail, and overuses words--Like, Kewl, Coo!.!.!.}

What do you think of this picture!? {and youopen to realize its the same picture thatperson has already posted 3 times in the past hour}

What Do you think of my photography skillz !?{followed by 95 links to in general- bad photos}

Whats an aperture!?

How do I get a shutter speed!?

i have a $100 pns camera, where can i go and make lots of money off my photography skillz!?

I know all there is to knowabout photography!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.but!.!.!. can you tell me _____!?

Am i ____ {hot, cute, pretty, fat, skinny etc}!?

anything that links to photos of feet!?!.!. everyone with a camera has at least one pic of feet!.!.we dont need to see them

can anyone _____{take a pic, give an idea, photoshop} my homework for me!? i need a good gradeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I just bought _____ camera with kit lens!. Is it a good camera!?

How can I remove a watermark!?

I bought _____ dSLR and it doesnt give me very good pictures!. Why is this camera so bad!?

Should I like buy a Kodak point and shoot or like a Canon XTi or a Nikon D3 somethin!?

Any question with Sony sipershop (or other variations)Www@QuestionHome@Com

how do u get 1 prt of a photo 2 b color nd the rest bw!.
wuts an aperture speed!?

-slowly kills self-

one day in photo class, i had my dslr with me, and a girl was like "omg wait it has a screen is it film!?"

i kinda cringed!.

sigh!. ignorance is not bliss, just painful for the onlookers to deal with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In addition to the above,

How can I get my photo to look like this in a photoshop!?

What photoshop should I use, and it needs to be free!.

How do they make ****** effect on this photo!?

How can I make a professional picture with either A: my pink Polaroid, or, B: Photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm too tired, lazy, busy, messed up to learn Photoshop, will you do it for me!?

I agree with your choice, I mean there are other (better!?) cameras


why photography!?(there is no money in photography!?!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you feel when you look at this photograph !?

Duh, dumb and dumber!.

And I usually feel!.!.!. bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"what pink camera is the best"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Am I pretty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Am ah ug-a-ly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Am I cute or not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com