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Position:Home>Visual Arts> BOYS LIKE GIRLS Edited Photo!?

Question: BOYS LIKE GIRLS Edited Photo!!?
Hereee the photo! Tell me ifff you likee itt :)

p!.s!. its okay if you dont!. its not that goodd:P
p!.s!.s i put it in a question cause it wouldnt let me put it on your question! :|


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
nice work
she'll love it

_boys like girls_ asked for something specific and mary did a great job complying with her wishes; the pixelated "vignette" was a good, creative choice for the job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I view it, I am seeing a pic with extreme pixilation (I dont know how to spell that!. ) If that was intentional, I dont like it!. It looks like you blew up a small pic too big!.

EDIT: Oh!., ok!. I see from an edited response that was the effect that was wanted!. It is technically good!. My personal preference does not like it, but it was done very well!. I am sorry I didnt get that when I was postingWww@QuestionHome@Com

ehhh!.!.!. it's okay!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com