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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why is it better to shoot Tiff file, then a Jpeg, for nature photos? What is the

Question: Why is it better to shoot Tiff file, then a Jpeg, for nature photos!? What is the difference!?
Does TIFF show more detail then the Jpeg photo!? Is TIFF better quality!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Shutter

Tiff format is an internation file format that allows you to save in very high resolution and yes, better than jpeg!.

Why jpeg was invented, was to find a format that could be use in file transfer, without losing too much quality and still be quite viewable at a fraction of the TIFF format!.

At my shpt, I use hi-res jpeg over pdf format!. PDF file kills the color scheme of some software whereas, jpeg and tiff keep the resolution and color scheme of the software used!.
A tiff format saved in high jpeg resolution shows almost no difference in quality!. The file is also much smaller in size!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, RAW is the best to shoot in, but some programs won't read the files!. So, TIFF is the next best thing!.

JPEG is actually a type of compression!. When you shoot in this format, you don't have the exposure latitude that you do with other formats and you lose a lot of information at the start!. And each time you save that file, you lose information because it compresses it!. Therefore, you lose a little bit more image quality each time you save!. Over time, that could be quite noticeable!.

But, as with ANY format, if you don't shoot it right in the camera, you won't be able to recover those lost shadows, no matter what program you use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tiff files are much clearer than jpeg and print out clearer!. Every time you open a jpeg image you loose some detail in your picture!.

yes!. TIFF is better quality & its does show more detail, so it is just recomended for nature images!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Janet is right, but I still hope to get best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com