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Question: What size photo for an open call!?
There is an open call for extras in a movie in my area and it says to bring snap shots, what size photo would that be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If they specified "snap shots," the 4x6 will do!. Why, because they don't have time to deal with one large 8x10 and will probably put it aside as they pass on the pack of snap shots to the casting director(s) who will be making the final decisions!.

If the term was only "picture" then 8x10 is appropriate as they will be treated entirely differently!. Better yet if you had a "composite" sheet (usually done by actors and models) showing various poses and a short "bio!."!.

In either case, make sure you bring more than one picture, at least one showing a "head/shoulders" and one showing you "full length" in street clothes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Jennifer

Always have 8 x 10 for anything whether it is for a model agency or movie calls!. Why!? Because, the viewer doesn't have to squint to see what you are showing and the photos always look better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com