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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's the name of the illustrator who drew the cover for *100 years of fash

Question: What's the name of the illustrator who drew the cover for *100 years of fashion illustrations*!?
This is a hard question, but i'm hoping there's someone who can help me!. I havn't got the book myself but i saw it on amazon!. I like the cover illustration, and i've seen the style before!. I would like to know who drew it!. Maybe if you google it you'll see the drawing and know!?

I hope someone can help me, even though it's a detailed question!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It looks like it says: Madeleine de Rauch Darani!.
Private collection, 1949!.
It's at the bottom of the Copyright page!.