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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I want to improve my painting skills by shading and toning.?

Question: I want to improve my painting skills by shading and toning!.!?
How do you add shade and tone with paints!. I cant figure it out!. I would really like to bring my art up to the next level!. Can anyone give me some good advice on what paint so i can practice shading and toning, how to do it well and maybe some links for how to do it if possible!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a traditional painter that works with oils and find it pretty easy to do with that medium because it takes longer to dry!. I've tried acrylic but they dry too fast and don't give me the effect i want!. If for example i am painting a portrait, on my palette i will mix my overall skin tone, i will set aside some of this and darken it some too be used for the heavy shadeing areas!. I apply it to the canvas and blend it with a fan brush adding a darker tone to the areas that need it and blending again!. This is about as simple as i can explain it and with practice your technique for shadeing will become a bit more complex depending on the effect you are trying to achieve!. I also employ a technique called glazeing which is really just applying color in layers!. I would suggest checking out books from your library which is how i taught myself to paint!. My art can be checked out at hellosanantonio!.com under artist name GUERRO1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my art teacher always says, that with water colour paints, don't add white to make the shad lighter, or balck to make it darker, always add water to make the colour lighter!. And, to make it darker!.!.!.!.!.!.well, i don't really know!

hope this helps!


I think the 3rd one is the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you could try some flowers!.
Paint the lightest color over the whole flower, then add a darker color to the paint (purple, blue)
Paint it on starting where the dark/shadow starts then bring it on!. Make it darker if nececerry!. Practice!Www@QuestionHome@Com