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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop ???

Question: Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop !?!?!?
Whats the difference between them!? Photoshop seems like an awsome art program but what about Illustrator!? Does it offer more option for computer artists!?

Basically I'm an artist and looking to get more involved in CAD and other computor based art programs!. Would you recommend Illustrator or Photoshop!? Do you know of anything better or more user friendly!? I would like to learn how to do my own cartoons and artwork for website design!. So I need something that has vector format and HTML conversion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Photoshop is pixel based!. You work with photos and artwork!. You can make special effects on images or manipulate them!.

Illustrator is vector based!. You can design logos, draw cartoons!. You can manipulate shapes easily!.

This is quite simplistic!. It is hard to describe to people who has no experience with them!.

You should really use both if you want to be a computer artist!. Both offers different things but work together very well!.

Go buy Adobe Creative Suite CS3 which has both Illustrator, Photoshop and a couple other graphics programs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'd be looking for Illustrator!. However, once you design something in that, you need flash to animate it, if you want to animate it!. Graphics in websites use gif images that Illustrator doesn't support, so you need somekind of way to convert it to a gif file!. Photoshop has Image Ready that is exclusively for gif and website design, and you can make an animation with images, too, but most artist use Flash for animation!. One of the reasons they use it is because you can import Illustrator files into it and it can be used as an animation, or just as a non-animation!. But I think most art on websites is in a gif format!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about user-friendly, but if you want effects, [and editing them], you'd get Photoshop!.

Though Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator may be expensive, it's worth it, and some sellers include Illustrator in Photoshop!. [I bought mine as a set, Photoshop CS3!.]

I think!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your an artist I'd recommend Photoshop, hands down!. export as an eps!. file and use in illustrator for vector format!. Why not hand draw some outlines, scsn them into the computer, and use photoshop tools to fill with colour!? fantastic stuff on photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com