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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a tablet (Art wise)?

Question: What is a tablet (Art wise)!?
Computer and art wise!. I've just heard of them!.!.!.I looked them up and when I saw them they looked really sophisticated and cool!. It'd be great if I could have some information on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's basically another peripheral like a mouse!. The tablet itself being square, has points on it that corresponds to points on the screen, when you press the pen to it, it's like a mouse click, and when you draw, you're basically pressing and dragging the pen around to click the mouse like you would while drawing with a real pen!. You can get tablets big or small, it doesn't matter!. The cursor will still show up on the screen where it is on your tablet!.

I own both a tablet and a tablet pc (I'm on it now) Tablet PC's you can draw directly on the laptop screen!. also, if you invest in any tablet, make sure it's wacom penabled!. They are basically the leading manufacturer of tablets and they have drivers that enable pressure sensitivity and more penlike usage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tablets are computers with touch screens that are made to draw or hand-write on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com