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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Would these be good senior pictures?

Question: Would these be good senior pictures!?
i have to have my senior pictures taken this summer, and yesterday my friend and i were playing around with some ideas!.

would these poses/smiles/everything be ok!? [done professionally of course]

this one's ok!.

don't like this one as much!.

and this is my favorite!.

i don't really look that great in any of them, but hey, they're a start!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Another answerer may not understand about senior pics!.!. Most year book pics are with specific poses and usually with a specific drape!.

Senior pics that this person is talking about is glam pics!. Most seniors go to professional studios and get glamor shots (I even know some that actually went to Glamour Shots in the mall) for senior pics to pass out to their friends and families!.

The poses are all fine, but you need them professionally done!. The first pic is really hard to tell that you are the subj!.!. The second pic hits your breast at an odd angle that makes you appear that you dont have on a bra, and needs to be cropped in a bit!. The third pic, I like, except the tone needs to be toned down a bit!. make it more subtle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first two are not appropriate for senior pictures!. Of course every yearbook as its own guidelines, but usually it has a rule like you must be taking up 3/4 of the picture, be facing the camera, etc!. "Glamour shots" ie!. wind blowing your hair is not appropriate for senior pictures, at least not the one you can put in a yearbook!. You can have fun senior pics, but the one you choose for your yearbook usually has to be pretty serious!.

The last one is ok, but have a cuter outfit (think dressy-casual), and better resolution!. Keep playing around with compostions, outfits, locations, etc!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first one is something you could have your photographer do for fun, but it isn't something I would hand out!. With you meet with your photographer tell them that you have some ideas for your senior pictures, you want to make sure you hire someone who will allow you to have input, a lot of the large studios don't do this and they limit you on your number of poses!. The main thing to remember when thinking of what you want for your senior pictures is that you want to be comfortable, if you aren't comfortable it will show in your pictures and you'll probably end up not liking them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, get them professionally done!.!.!. it will be worth it!

You'll need to get some headshots for the yearbook!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya you are HOT!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com