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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of michael godards work? pics..?

Question: What do you think of michael godards work!? pics!.!.!?
this guy is one of the best painters ive seen!. his stuff is so creative and its all hand painted!.!.!. plus hes hot haha


my favorite one!.!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good Painter,detailed!.!.!.seems like alcohol is his inspiration or maybe hes just trying to a story with the alcoholWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really like it!.!.!. he isn't a terrible painter, but it seems sort of commercial, like these could be part of an ad campaign!.
I google'd his name, and came across his site!. His other art is similar, very commercial-looking to me!. I also do NOT like that fact that his picture is all over his page like he is selling himself rather than his art!.
There are so many parts of his bio that made me cringe!.!.!. the way his site calls him, "the Rock Star of the Art World" makes me think of Thomas Kinkade and how often he seems to like to call himself, "the Painter of Light"!. He's another #1 selling artist, too bad #1-selling doesn't equal high quality, does it!? What is popular isn't always good!.
I think he has good marketing skills!. His work may be mediocre, but by marketing himself as the bad boy of the art world, apparently he has become popular!. If he was a balding, middle-aged man with bad teeth and thick glasses- producing the same art he does now- I doubt many of his current fans would give a damn about his paintings The more I look through his paintings on his site, the more I think it is just lowbrow art, and not very creative or original lowbrow art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com