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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I know this sounds lame but I really want to take a?

Question: I know this sounds lame but I really want to take a!?
cute myspace picture, some unique you know what I mean!. I am just really bored right now and I was thinking about it, I mean I want it to look really good!.!. I know I am not an ugly girl so is there any ideas or like any help you can give me as to acheiving it :) like what looks good!? hah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Put yourself in natural, comfotable position for yourself!. One that you are used to!. If you like to lie down on your bed while reading a book, then take a picture while lying down on your bed!. Try not to wear anything TOO fancy and don't go overboard with the makeup!. A lot of people tend to hold themselves stiff during a picture, but don't!. Relax and be yourself!. Wear colors that bring out the color of your eyes, but don't clash strangely with your skin!. Have fun with it! Good luck with the picture!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't lame at all to want to look your best! Make sure that you have some good light, a simple top, and that you are in a good mood!. Natural smiles are always better!. Don't try to look an age other than your own wtih your make up!.

Have fun with it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

get in a tree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com