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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to take photos like this?

Question: How to take photos like this!?
I love the look of this image and I'm learning about photography at the moment!. What's been used to give this image this look!? I know lighting is a LOT to do with it!. also looks like a very good quality camera itself!.
I'm only a school student so sorry if I sound a little naive on this subject!.
Thanks =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By the way the light appears in her sunglasses, the photographer was using what's called a ring flash, a device that if you want a pro level one costs around $500

However the great David Hobby at strobist posted a lot about this stuff, which you can check out how to use and even how to build one for yourself if your a handy type of person


There are links to building one yourself, either a really elaborate one or just a functional one, as well as when to use it!.

You would be surprised how little adjustments this photographer probably made!. Ring flash by nature creates a very high contrast shadowless light setup, and by adjusting the contrast this photographer was able to make this imageWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is a straight shot with a ringflash, as you can see a ring of light reflected in the model's sunglasses!. The flash gun has a ring-shaped tube, designed so it goes around the outside of the lens, i!.e!. the lens is looking through the inside hole of the ring!. This means the light is coming from all around the lens which means there are effectively no shadows in the picture at all!. I suspect the darkening of the corners of the image have been done in post-processing, as there's no evidence in the reflection of anything to restrict the spread of light from the flash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you do not nessesarily need an expensive camera for this shot!. but lighting is the key here!. strong lighting will will make the subject clear and sharp; and good exposure!. the picture has basic editing!. its vignetted to darken the edges emphesizing the subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i fink this picture had been digitaly edited and lyk u say the lighting has alot 2 do wiv any good picture!. luks like the exposure has been edited!.
hope tht helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably A bit of airbrushing, lot of Good Lighting and Experience!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lighting was the answer for this shot!. And also a bit of retouching!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like you said, lighting!. And also the slight use of Photoshop to make her look, well!.!.!.perfect in a sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com