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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know any information about the sculpture "Molecule Man"?

Question: Does anyone know any information about the sculpture "Molecule Man"!?
My all time favourite sculpture is called Molecule Man!. I have loved it ever since I first saw it at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park!. Recently however, I went to Berlin and saw a massive one there!. I looked it up the internet and found there's one in California as well!. Does anyone know any extra information about this sculpture!? Who made it!? Where others are!? Was it like a worldwide project!? Any extra information please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The American artist Jonathan Borofsky sculpted this work!. Read about him at http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Jonathan_Bo!.!.!.
He clearly reproduced this work in different sizes: scroll down to illustration of Berlin version: no!. 4 - 100ft, the California no!. 22 - 32 ft at http://www!.borofsky!.com/public!.htm
I found a pic!. of the one in Yorkshire but its size is not given!.
I think that as no other Molecular Man is mentioned on the net that there are probably only three versions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com