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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Curious on what others have in mind,for a photo-shoot on an autumn wear collecti

Question: Curious on what others have in mind,for a photo-shoot on an autumn wear collection for men&women aged 21-35!?
To pitch an idea for a company, Marks and Spencer autumn wear theme!. Easy said but Not to be cliché or boring! Typical background of an autumn outdoor location is obvious, so how can i make the story more interesting!? Not to worry wont be taking it seriously or Practical, just a verbal interivew with tutor to lay out a plan/idea!? HELPWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
RUN TO THE HILLS!.!.!.well, maybe use the lake district as a backdrop with a bit of clever use of bokeh!. You would have different backdrops - hills, water, villages and woods!. You might like to use typical activities - walking, sailing and community meeting places - pub, post office or park!. Remember what your main goal is - promoting M&S and their cloths, not the lakes!Www@QuestionHome@Com