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Question: Learning calligraphy!? How long to invitations!?
Hi, any idea how long it would take to go from not knowing anything about calligraphy to doing invitations!?!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
really depends on your innate talent, coordination and what style you seek to learn!.
first---learning to use tools!. pens work differently and how you manipulate them to make the shapes that form letters is key!. second---learning how to combine shapes to form letters!. third---learn to space properly---letters into words, words into sentences!. for invitations, need to be able to write small---and know how to lay it out pleasingly!.

all that takes time!. 50 hours + with a good instructor can give you basics of alphabet, ability to write!. and lots of practice!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com