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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does No Body Want Me Here?

Question: Does No Body Want Me Here!?
I have been trying to participate, showing my own pics, commenting on others, asking questions!.!.!.

But this one person is so negative all the time!. He calls his advice professional, but then by email says he is not an expert and cannot post his own work for fear of theivery!.

On my last question that I deleted, this person dug through my answers to post a comment about a q I had answered that had nothing to do with him, this board, the pics or photography in order to put me down!.

Yes, I am emotional!. But I cant believe how rude people are!. No, I am not looking for an ego stroke, and I notice this towards many other posters as well!.
I mean, I try to criticize by saying what I dont like and suggesting how it could have been better!. But then 'pros' come in and trash everyone's work, and offer nothing outside of go take a class!. And someones reply to a person was 'waste of time even looking'!. How does that help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't let one person's attitude get you down!. I remember going to your website and being moved, and I believe I have sent you an e-mail as well, in reply to yours, I think!. (Was it you with the lens flare pics!? Gee, I hope it ain't me you're talking about!) But, just because someone does not like your work, and tells you so, that doesn't mean they are rude!. Of course, they might be!. And there is also such a thing as being too sensitive and taking constructive criticism as a personal assault rather than an opinion on one's work!. Some people have a lot of personal identity invested in their art & photography, and just can't accept anything other than accolades!.

I do routinely suggest taking a class and getting a book on beginning photography!. I suggest that because it's good advice!. See my response to the open question "How to take criticism" because it covers some of this same ground you're asking about here!.

We do want you here, the community would be poorer without you in it!. I generally like your comments, and I'm sure many others do as well!. You can block users, you know!. Through life, there will continue to be someone who rubs you the wrong way, and there are always going to be rude people, or those who don't communicate effectively!. I hate to say "Get over it", but I will say to move on past them!. Put that pain in a box, then throw the box away and let go!. And be happy as much as possible!. Best wishes to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hamg in there!. i know how you feel!. please don't be discouraged!. it gets better, iknow!. i hope to maybe see some of your work sometime!. i bet you are really good and that is why the"pros" have these comments!. just remember everyone has an opion, just like everyone has something else!.!.!.!.!.!.!. if you would like to email me whiteharleytrike@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are wanted here!. Just remember that there are some people who find fault with everything!.

They will complain about it being too bright on a sunny day!. If you gave them a million dollar check they couldn't cash until Monday morning they'd complain!. Such is the depth of their negativity!. Ignore them!.

Please keep participating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a need for experienced photographers on this forum, so it would be better if you'd stay!. What you might consider is reporting this fellow to Yahoo, or just block the user yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like that person is pretty freakin lame!. As hard as it is to do, you should probably just ignore them!. Or report them, that's always fun!. Whoever it is could just be trying to get a rise out of you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must remember that there are no restrictions on the sorts of people participating in this forum!. Don't let one person's negativity discourage you!. How important is that one opinion anyway!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will answer this by saying
Jealousy shows in many diferent ways and guises!.
Just ignore them, they won't go away but if you take no notice of them the whole point of their interferance is gone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, stay!!
I think you should just ignore that person too and anyone else who's bein rude!. As long as you're not hurting them (which you're obviously not) then you're not doing anything wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You seem to have a problem with one individual!. You can block that person, and that's the end of your troubles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it was me I would run a mile also!. You state you are emotional, why dont you sort yourself out!.

Without hearing from the other party I assume it takes two to tango!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't listen to those haters! If they are talking smack its because they are jealous of you! Dont let any one bring you down!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I myself, like your pictures and think you could make a little money on the side by selling some of your photographs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is this dudes username,Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like a bad apple situation!. also you may want to try deviantart!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course your wanted

awww dont worry of course ur wanted
just ignore that person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just be yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

who cares what others think, be yourself!. and do what you want!. im sure this guy is just an ahole and has no life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well as you can tell by all your response here you are very much wanted here and for the jerk offs well let them be if it makes them feel good to say something rude or whatever then let them just know you are the better person than them!. Just know that even they the jerk offs want you because think if they didn't they wouldn't answer your questions right!. So smile and say well they must really think you are someone really special to look for you right!? ( =Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world of Y!A is full of people who give snippy answers, and are full of negativity!.!.!. just take everyone with a grain of salt!. Brush off the people who are just answering to get a measly two points instead of giving professional comments to help you better your art!. I haven't seen any of your work, but I am sure it is wonderful coming from a person who is nice and caring!.

I went through a period where all of my questions were violations!. I ended up clearing off all of my contacts and it just left me with a bad taste about Y!A!.!.!.!. just remember that there really are some nice people, and fun people!.

Don't let this place affect your art! Think positive thoughts and it will reflect in your works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only ever make a negative comment if I have reason to believe the person is having a joke with us and asking baiting questions and deliberately posting things to get a response!. Think it doesn't happen !? It does!. It's easy to think badly if you only see it once, but if you saw the lead-up in previous months you might understand !.

I would not criticize someone who was genuine!.

I am a learner, like you, so I'm not about to go offering anyone any advice beyond the most basic things!. I leave that to the pros, and I sit here and learn from them too!.
Sometimes they have to be cruel to be kind!. And rather than say "That's great", they will tell the truth!.

I take it on the chin and learn from it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

erm, you shouldnt care about other people, your dealing with immature people yes even old people can be immature!. Hey check me out i graduated and im a General practitioner example which exists in all fields of work they have no idea how to diagnose you so they diagnose you through trial and error!. where as a truly well read person would find the solution in no time!. maybe that is a bit cruel but its fact people and you all know it, but the worst thing is not all information is found in books, because the changes that take place and even how things evolve is a lot faster then information being produced for someone to say hEY i have the answer to this and that, Which is utter BS, you shouldnt worry about anything like that people answer questions to their best knowledge and possibly have better answers than professionals!. example say you have a long time experience in say living on the street!. now someone will say im a polititian i know whats best for these kids!. some shelter some help etc etc but is it ever enough hell no cause they truly dont understand, so anyways this is what our world is made up of we all have knowledge to give even if it doesnt seem accurate, surprisingly all answers are somewhat related to the question, from either information gathered from academic sources of good ol hard work!.

like you see that FIZZ dude come up i find that hilarious that someone is going out of their way to piss people off or make people happy, so in a way isnt that good too!? if you have a laugh from someone elses posts!?

anyways you shouldnt think too much of itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, what do you care what some stranger behind a keyboard thinks!?(Aside from the personal emails, which I think doing that crosses the "line")

I am a professional photographer of over thirty years, my specialty is formal portraiture, however I do belong to a camera club and judges, who are not professional, judge my work each competition!.(I do not submit formal portraits)Sometimes I find their critique quite valid and sometimes they are just blowing hard and I know it!. So what, life goes on!.

Photography is for everyone, but being critiqued is best left to the strong hearted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We want you here! Forget that moron!. I am a professional illustrator (I do children's books) and in my experience throughout school and my career, there is always something positive one can say about another persons art!.!.!.even if it's just one single thing!. This person who is harassing you is loser!.!.!.and I hope he reads this and gets a life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"But then 'pros' come in and trash everyone's work,"

You sound bitter and twisted, all the real pros I have meet have been great and gave advice freely and honestly, dont confuse professionalism with your emotional problems!.

Based on that statement above I assume they gave you a valueable critique or advice and you can't handle that a trained professional that dedicates themself to the art knows more about it than you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's some weird stuff here and occasionally it gets irritating!.!.!. you can put a lot of effort in to an answer and then see something borderline moronic selected as the BA!.

You also get some fairly uninformed or harsh comments from time to time too, particularly when it comes to 'critiques'!. It's a symptom of fear and insecurity but I've seen it in photography for years!.!.!.

My first photo critique submission for a pro association was preceded by some knob spouting utter garbage about how he could ID the camera from the neg (without reference to the rebate corners!)!.!.!. he slunk off from his podium when I won the comp, but it's actually a pretty typical example I have to say!.

Photographers are often very 'rules driven' (i!.e!. not actually very creative) and often pretty visually illiterate too - what do you expect when so many people claim to be pros and actually work stacking shelves at a store during the week!.!.!. (alert, British humour! - with a wicked little grain of truth)!.

There are definite problems here and Yahoo managment know all about them, so I rarely bother anymore!. I posted a Q yesterday and had a violation notice, one of many recently - I never had one until a few weeks ago!.!.!. I never bother to appeal them, ether they need strict rules here, or no rules here!.

There is also little understanding of humour on YA and I think there are distinct cross cultural issues that go on in that area too!.!.!. British humour can be quite biting and sharp, but I don't generally point it towards people on the site unless they are already way out of line - just at bona fide knobs like kenrockwell!.!.!. see what I mean about that humour thing!!? : )

The long and short of it is that I don't bother to contribute much anymore - and I like it that way!.!.!. it's a great time waster and as a multi level forum you can't be sure you are getting good advice - and I get involved in teaching university photography departments and consulting for imaging companies (the very mention of which is going to make me VERY unpopular in some places - thumbs at the ready - lol!)

I 100% agree with your critique comments - some of the people here are not qualified to give a critique, so they need to learn that if an opinion is given it's just that, BUT if the premise is that this is someone wanting to learn, they actually want positive and detailed advice!.!.!. !

I have said this many times here but 'its crap' is NOT a critique, not even if it's stated as 'I hate the lighting' or 'the composition sucks'!.!.!. people need to know HOW they are to improve, or it is a totally pointless knocking /ego flaunting exercise!. If you are so clever as to comment on someones work then explain precisely how you'd improve it, simple!

On this point I am in a minority I think, but the college system is generally run by at best semi-competent photographers who like to take a bite out of their students to tell them who's boss!.!.!. it's become a 'norm', but why follow any norm unless you are some kind of sheep!!? So I HATE negative critiques - if you can't tell someone how you'd improve their image then, in my not so humble opinion, you should keep your comments to yourself!.!.!. and I truly don't care if you've been a pro for 90 years - most pros are average according to the law of averages and lots of amateurs are amazingly good!

I don't care about the norm, for me the key criteria is 'does it work' and negative critiques don't, ever, period - it's like climbing a mountain and having some fool shouting 'you're going the wrong way', but never explaining where the best way is!.!.!. simply discouraging - great! (hmm evidence of sarcastic wit now : )

To your person who said 'waste of time even looking', my response would be 'then don't waste your time any further by commenting!'

BTW, if it's any encouragement, I've never been to college and I think it's where many pros go wrong - and you'd be surprised at how many of my images have been published by major camera manufacturers!.!.!. (can people thumb down twice!!? : ) college lecturers tend to be there because at some stage they failed to make it as a pro!.!.!. there's a shabby aura of sadness and ineptitude about them generally!.!.!. sorry but my humour is now in overdrive!

Anyway, now for a good thumbing I suspect!.!.!. it's what you get when you're deliberately provocative! : )

Try not to take it to heart!.!.!. and I hope you have at least a little wry smile on your face!.!.!. ; )

Yours in support,

The Violator!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know what type of questons u ask, i am ading u now, whenever u ask any quest i will know it, and i will try to answere it, ok!?Www@QuestionHome@Com