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Question: Making Money With Digital Camera - What Are The Options For Beginners!?
How can beginners make money (part-time income either a hobby or side income) with a cellphone camera or digital camera!? I'm interested in online digital photography courses, sites or creative packages that show you how to make money from digital photography -- practically!. Open to both free and paid options!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have you heard of micro stock photography!? It's a new but profitable system where stock photography sites pay you to submit photos to their database!. These sites in turn make money by supplying your photos to web designers, advertising agencies & illustrators who use your photos in their own projects!.

So each time someone downloads your photograph (or makes an exclusive rights purchase), you get paid a fixed amount!. The more people download (or buy) your photo, the more you earn -- It's that simple!.

For making money with digital camera, it's really your creative vision (along with a few good sites) that make all the difference!. It's not hard to make a monthly income from your stock photo submissions!.

It's like a writer earning royalties from his novel as long as it sells in the market!. It's the same for photographers too -- As long as your photographs stay in the digital marketplace, you get paid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Learn what makes for a good photo first!. It's not just point and click!. There are some techniques for composition and color use that you'll want to know!.

Get some basic photography background stuff!. The how to take a good photo stuff!. This will help you stand out from the rest of the pack!. Too many people think "Oh I have a camera, now I'm a photographer!." Wrong!. It's how you use the tools that counts!.

Then you'll want to spend some time each day, just an hour or half an hour learning something new about your camera phone and digital camera!.

You can google "digital camera photography tips" and find all sorts of stuff!. I know, I know, so obvious!. But it's worth spending some time!. also, check out the manuals that come with your phone and camera!. You'll also have a software disk bundled with some good stuff too!. Learn and explore with this too!.

Then when you're comfortable with what you know, get out there and start taking photos!. Let your friends and family know you're available!.

Maybe test your photos on stock photo sites like istockphoto!.com!. Take a look at sites like these and what they are sell!.

Remember, no one wants pictures of your vacation, wedding, your pet, your girlfriend, your pals drinking beer at that frat party or personal shots!.

Avoid flower photos unless you are hired to do so!. Watch the food shots, these are highly specialized and there is a way to do these correctly!. Learn from the pros!.

Most of all have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't listen to the stupid first answer!. You'll be making a bundle while he's still doing "serious work" in 20 years!.

Although serious work is honorable, it gets you by for paying expenses and it builds character, the object for everyone is to explore avenues for starting their OWN BUSINESS, which you are doing!.

Entrepreneurship is the alternative to spending your free time watching football or American Idol!.

Before and after photos for contractors!? Virtual tours!? Roming Paparrazi type guy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would buy a camera that can hook up to a printing dock and print instantly!. Buy one of those, you can get it al for less than $200 now-a-days!.
Go to places where lots of tourists like to go!. and walk around offering to take peoples pictures and print them!. See if you can get $5 dollars a pic!. if you live near any landmarks that people want to take pictures with, its easier!.
If you sell like 4 an hour, thats almost $20 dollars an hour (minus cost of photo paper!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah but the second suggest a lot :)

well probably you will want to figure out what you want to photograph!. Choose a category for example weddings!. Take some photographs of brides , grooms, people !. After that take those pictures in photoshop, edit them!.
Create your own website and publish your pictures and offer your services for weddings and stuff!. Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hehehe!.!.!. you have the option of not being a lazy bum and doing some serious work to earn money!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, you can't be a pro and taking photos with your cell phone unless you're a celebrity hunter! Invest in a good digital camera, and learn how to use it really well!. Take photos of everything to learn how it works for you!.

Then start taking portraits of your friends and family, and charge them a small fee to have them printed!. Learn how to use PhotoShop and give them b&w options and see how different photos look once printed compared to on the screen!.

I've seen some people start off taking artsy photos and putting them on card stock, then selling the cards!.

Weddings can be lucrative but keep in mind, these people are very picky about their photos and you need to make sure that you're getting ALL the photos they want, and plenty of others!. Things like weather can throw off a lot, not only lighting wise but organziation wise as well!. You need to be able to work with these people, get all the photos they want, tell them what to do, and make sure that you don't take forever to do it!. If you do want to get into this, do a few for free along with a professional so you can see what they do and how they organize things!. The hours upon hours of editing afterwards to give them b&w, desaturated, sepia and other things needs to be factored into the pricing you eventually give as well!. Talk to a wedding photographer that is currently doing this and determine if it's something you want to do!.

Art photos are more difficult to sell because really, almost everyone has a digital camera now and can pop into Ikea or another low-budget store and pick up some nice frames!. So if you do go the art way, try to find something that you don't see anyone else in the area doing!.

Photography for real estate agents and contractors is indeed a good idea from the person who posted it!. Agents will then need the photos brightened up and resized to properly be posted on MLS websites!.

Product photography for websites is easier than for printed materials (as the quality/size for the web is lower)!. Pay attention to reflections!. Get a deposit and then get the rest as you hand over the finished product!.

If you do take classes online, take PhotoShop classes and invest in your own copy of it!. Take a photography class in person to get more out of it!.

Pets and kids are the hardest to take photos of, (they don't take direction well or sit still for long!) but portraits are fairly decent to do!. As I said, start with friends and families!. Tell them you're interested, charge a decent fee to begin with so you can build your portfolio up!. Offer them printed cards for occasions like xmas and make sure you find out how long it takes to get it all done so you're not stressed or behind on delivering!.

Again, almost everyone has a digital camera now, so you need to refine your skill and have an eye for what you can do that they can't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com