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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you post photograph on your computer?

Question: How do you post photograph on your computer!?
Im just learning how to operate a computer!.Alot of things Im still not familiar with!. I would like for someone to school me on how to place a photograph on a computer!. Do I need a scanner!? How is it done!.Please explain it to me step by step!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you say 'Post a photograph' do you mean a digital file or a printed picture!?
If it is a printed picture all you need to do is to scan it and save the file to your computer hard drive!.
If you don't have a scanner do you know a friend that has one!. Maybe they could scan for you - save it to a disc - and then you could copy from that to your PC!.
If it is a digital picture file just put the disc into your reader and transfer the file overWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well the easiest way is to take a picture with a camera and some cameras have flash cards u can take out and insert into some computers and some you have to connect a usb cable from ur camera to your computer and transfer it that way just plug it up and click open folder to view files and then drag the pictures onto your desktop and presto there you goWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok from what I read you need a scanner !.!. the instructions and the help options will guide trough every step it would be too long to explain it properly!.!.here I hope this helps Be good and take careWww@QuestionHome@Com