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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is my "death personified" drawing good?

Question: Is my "death personified" drawing good!?
you can zoom in by clicking on it!. it's not my best, i have to admit!. I'm not sure the position I drew looks okay & the hands are really messed up!. I still think it's beautiful though!. I love how it portrays death as beautiful in a darker way: covered with tattoos, piercings, & scars!. I'm 15, a selftaught learner, & this took me 15 minutes!. What do you think!? Some might say it's creepy or scary, but that's entirely your opinion :]

also, do you think I should outline some parts in black fine tip sharpie!?


please&thankyou (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think it's great, but don't over outline or you might mess up and you won't be able to fix it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com