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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does this bug you?

Question: Does this bug you!?
It makes me really mad when people basically just draw the same wolf/lion/horse/etc!. over and over again with different markings and expressions, and become super famous and revered on websites like deviantART!. Sometimes it's glaringly obvious they're pretty much just tracing famous cartoons (Balto, The Lion King, etc!.), and for some reason it just bugs the heck out of me!. Is anyone else bothered by it!?

(I know I might sound like an a$$ right now - if any of you have seen my art you know I'm not exactly the best artist - but it just makes me mad to see these kind of people become gods on deviantART when they're basically drawing the same thing over and over!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can empathise with you on this!. That's why I recommend for people who want to develop real drawing skills, that they spend a LOT of time drawing many various subjects from real life, AND from photographs!.

The more subjects you can handle, the better artist you can become!. I have a niece that loves to draw Mickey Mouse, sitting down on the floor!. That is all she can do because she refuses to draw anything else!. And, you know what!? She is NOT getting better at it because it has been so long since she has seen the original image, her drawings have drifted so far that her Mickey is almost unrecognizable!.

She has absolutely no interest in any other kind of artwork!. Until she is willing to work at developing that skill, she will, soon, lose any recognition for even being able to draw her MIckey Mouse!.

For you, just forget about those you complain about on those sites!. Only the ignorant and uninformed actually beleive those guys have a real talent!. No real agency or publisher will ever consider hireing them if all they can do is the same work, over and over!. Not when there is a large pool of genuinely creative people from which to choose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know what you mean!. if i feel like i could easily recreate a piece of art that doesn't symbolize anything or that doesn't evoke anything at all then i don't appreciate itWww@QuestionHome@Com

The only people stupider than the ones who do this are the ones who revere them with such renown!. Sorry!. But just let it go :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no not reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is stupid!.I get bugged when all I see is the same thing over and over just with a little difference!.Like facial expressionsWww@QuestionHome@Com