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Question: Question about photography!?
how do i get that close up affect!?
where the background is all blurry but the up close image (normally a person) is in focus!?


i've asked this question and the answers where good, but they were telling me settings to use to make that affect on canon cameras and stuff, but mine is a sony cybershot and none of the setting where the same!.
so what settings do i use on the sony cybershot to get the above affect!.
and how do i get to them settings/ how do i adjust them!.
thanks in advance for any help! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Their is only one solution and that is to use the largest f-opening!. The lens is very important since it will provide the final result as to crispiness!.
When I shoot close ups for my magazine, I use a macro lens!. This way, i get the details I am looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look in the camera manual (if you don't have one do an online search for one for your camera model and I'm sure you will find a pdf file version you can download) and look up "Portrait" mode, this typically sets the camera to use the largest aperture and that will give the effect you are looking for!.
Be aware that point and shoot cameras are not as good at this kind of shot as the more professional cameras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically what creates this effect called shallow depth of field is a large aperture or F stop!. If your camera has manual settings set your aperture to the lowest number!. If you haven't got the manual settings try standing further away from the person and using the optical zoom on your camera to zoom in on your subject!. This will also help create a shallower depth of field!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your camera will have SOME different settings!.
Take the same pic with all setting on your camera, also take it with and without flash for each of those and also like some zoomed in closer and some further back!.
so you will need to take like 4 pics in each setting!.
See if any of those settings give you the desired effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Listen, I dont know how to do it on your camera but since you have it on your computer go to www!.picnik!.com

you create an account for free, upload your photo go into create and then under effect go to focal soften or focal zoom both will help you get the effect you are looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to be able to control your depth of field(aperture) and I don't think your camera allows that!. Check the manual that came with your camera to see if there is any focus selection or depth of field options!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can not control the aperture on your camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just zoom in on that personWww@QuestionHome@Com