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Question: Question about your appearance on a camera!?!?
Whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I look different than I do when I take a picture of myself on the camera (translation-I look uglier on the camera than I do in the mirror) Does anyone know if it is the lighting that the mirror is in that makes me lok different, or is it just that camera making me look weird!?!? I know this is a weird question, but I appreciate any answers!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the mirror you are seeing yourself in real time and can adjust your "look" to one that feels comfortable!. In a photo you get an instant, and if you look at a video of someone, frame by frame, you will notice there are often transient movements that, if frozen, look rather unusual!. Half closed eyes, for example, making the person look like a halfwit!. The fact is, these are just transitory movements, but are accentuated by the frozen nature of photographs!. You should be confident that you look more like yourself in a mirror than in a photo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, watch out for ligthing and exposure, try not to take pictures when its dark!. You will get red eyes!. At times, your face may look shiney or sweaty( even though you are not sweating)!. Make sure to not take a picture too close to the camera, have some distance!. I use a program called adobe photoshop to correct mistakes such as lighting, or stuff like blemishes!. But remeber, if you dont have a program like that, make sure the lighting is rigth!. For example, dont take a picture if the light is behid you(unless you want a dark effect) Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you look in a mirror it is constantly moving as opposed to a photo which captures a moment!. So sometimes it looks a little funky!.

A good trick to looking great in photos is to practice!. if you have a digital camera put it on a tripod or table on timer mode and take photos of your self adjusting your head position a little so you know what angle you look good in on photos!. You can just erase the bad ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A camera image is not reversed like a mirror image, so you are not going to look quite the same as you see yourself in a mirror!.

How good or "ugly" you look in a photo depends more on the capabilities of the photographer, the light, and the equipment!.!.!. rather than just the simple fact that it is a photo!.


you are your own worst critic, you have longer to stare at a picture and pick out the flaws!.!.!. you can move in the mirror and find what you seee as most flatteringWww@QuestionHome@Com