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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which program is best to buy for photo effect?

Question: Which program is best to buy for photo effect!?
i admire pics!. that is black and white with a single color on a particular object in the photo!.and i want to learn too, which program is to buy that is cheap and can give many effects!? or is there any free of such kind to download!?and tutorial on how to do that!?
please advise me!. thank you in advance!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Google "gimpshop"
Gimp stands for Generated Image Manipulation Program, and it's a free downloadable Photoshop clone!.
Gimpshop is a mod of Gimp that makes it look exactly like Photoshop, so if you ever buy the real thing by Adobe or get hired by a company that has it you'll know how to use it!.

Adobe's Creative Suite, which includes Photoshop, Illustrator (for designing fonts and posters), and Indesign (think Photoshop+Microsoft Word) is an excellent program package for messing with images, text, and photos, but it comes at, like, $200!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question comes up a lot!. and without a doubt photoshop elements is the best for a reasonable priced photo editing program without the full expense of the full photoshop!.

There are loads of freebys from downloading gimp (yes thats its real name) to googles versions, but they all have their limits and everyone in the end who likes photography ends up with photoshop of some form!.

Save yourself all the hassle and the time learning different programs and get it first, there are magazines showing how to do just about everything in photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best one that you could find is adobe photoshop with tons of effects and used by professionals, thou it is not cheap!. it costs too much to get this program!. you could get it free by downloading its torrent from piratebay!.org by searching photoshop piratebay and then downloading it with utorrent or something which is free, this is how i did it although it is illegal but i don't think such a program should cost all of that and infact people just share to buy the program and then share it together so i think there is nothing wrong with getting it from piratebay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop is very expensive but it works pretty well!.
There is also other photoshop like programs at Best Buy!.

It's pretty simple you're just layering the pictures!.
Or there are these programs that are free:

Picasa- It is called Focal black and white on there and you can set a circle of color there!.
Or there is a free program called paint!.net!. Get it from download!.com!. You change the photo to black and white in one layer !. Then you cut out the part you want in color on the second layer!. Then you merge the two layers and save it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could try Foto Flexer, its an online photo editing site!.
there's many cool effects you can do on there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best to buy①, that is cheap ②, with many effects ③, and any free download ④,

Adobe - Photoshop CS3 US $649
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo $79!.99 USD

PhotoImpact Pro $99 USD
ArcSoft PhotoStudio $79!.99

Adobe Photoshop Elements
Arcsoft Photoimpression
Photo Explosion
Corel ~ Ulead My Scrapbook 2
Broderbund Photo Fun Tools

Photoscape : Photo Manipulating Suite,
Gimp ~image editor, win

Gimp!.app ~mac