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Question: What do these symbols mean!?

These were painted on the back of a guys truck and i am really curious as to what they mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's safe to assume that they are not, in fact, meant to represent Runes as ljksupergrrl5212 suggests, considering that there are other alphabets which have characters that better resemble these symbols, including:
Lycian http://www!.omniglot!.com/writing/lycian!.p!.!.!.
Hungarian http://www!.omniglot!.com/writing/hungaria!.!.!.
and Cypriot http://www!.omniglot!.com/writing/cypriot!.!.!.!.

Now, unless the person driving the truck lived between the 3rd and 8th centuries B!.C!. it would make more sense to presume them to be Hungarian symbols!. But considering even the small likelihood that this person is Hungarian, we can look for more detailed meanings provided by Symbols!.com!.

The first symbol "Y" could mean "life's path" as suggested here http://www!.symbols!.com/encyclopedia/04/0!.!.!. but considering that the symbol following it is a simple inversion, it's more likely that it represents something dichotomous or bi-polar!. So, a simpler assumption is that "Y" stands for "female," suggested here http://www!.symbols!.com/encyclopedia/04/0!.!.!. and this implies that the upside-down "Y" therefore stands for "male!."

The symbol following these two, in Western symbology, stands for "Jesus Christ" since it depicts a combination of the Greek letters "I" and "X" or, Jesus's initials!. So it is implied that the symbols on the back of the truck have some religious connotation!. If the center line is extended longer than the crossing lines, it could also stand for "Sunday," again with religious connotations!.

As for the last symbol, I wasn't able to find any information about it anywhere!. So, based on nothing but simple speculation, I'd say it represents a conjoined "male" and "female" sign, possibly referencing marriage or divine union!.

Therefore, the four symbols in succession could be making a statement about gender, marriage, and religion - possibly indicating the truck-driver's belief in "marriage" being a divine union between one man and one woman!. If he had other conservative/Christian stickers on his truck, or the truck was driving through the deep South, I'd say this is a fair assumption!. Otherwise, it could mean that Jesus was a hermaphrodite!. The speculation is up to you now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It kind of reminds me of the Runic alphabet!. Here's a link to it on wiki, check it out!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/RuneWww@QuestionHome@Com