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Question: Pressing a flower from a special someone!?!?
I hav recently celebrated my birthday and my boyfriend sent me a boquet of roses!. that was my first gift from a guy ever so i want to remember it!. i want to press on of the roses, but i hav a few questions!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
1!. what is the maximum amount of time to wait until the rose is too dead to press it!?
2!. what kind of material do u press them between!?
3!. how tight do they hav to be pressed together to work!?
4!. how long do u hav to keep it pressed!.
5!. how do u store a pressed flower!?
I may sound a little bit crazy but i am young and this is my first boyfriend and my first gift from a guy and i am very flattered and i want to remember it forever!!!
thankyou everybody for your answers!!!!!
only answer if you can be serious, thanx!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all: aww! Cute :D

And to answer your question:
1!. I'm not sure if there's a time limit, I suppose as long as the flowers are still sort of alive looking and not wilting madly they'll be okay!.
2!. I used to use a few sheets of greaseproof or wax paper and two or three big heavy books to press them in between, that worked okay!. I know there's special presses you can get for flowers but I'm not sure how much they are or where you'd get them from!.
3!. As tight as possible!.
4!. I'd say a week would be fine, but after a few days you can lift up the weights that are pressing it and check on it and it won't lose it's flatness!.
5!. Um, not too sure on this one!. Just keep it in a dry place where it's not too warm, I suppose!. Common sense I think plays a big part here!. Don't play with them too much coz they'll just fall apart!.

Hope I helped somehow :)Www@QuestionHome@Com