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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's your camera resolution?

Question: What's your camera resolution!?
I decided to try to compile a list!. I've got a few cameras listed already, but there seems to be more than a passing interest in the ppi resolution of various digital cameras!. In order to find out this information, you have to take a picture and open it in Photoshop or some similar program!. Once you have the image open, you can read the ppi somewhere in your program!. You might have to open the "resize image" dialogue to find out what it is before you resize it!.

All I want to know is the make and model of your camera and ppi resolution of an image that has not been cropped or anything!. Once I get a list, I will try to share it with the class!.

Unless someone is really creative, I can't imagine that there is a best answer possible!.

Please tell me a joke and I'll pick the best answer based on the best joke!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My Nikon D80 says 300!. Here's my joke, I know you've probably seen it before!.

Baby Photographer

The Smiths had no children and decided to use a proxy father to start their family!. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr!.Smith kissed his wife and said, "I'm off!. The man should be here soon!."

Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell, hoping to make a sale!. "Good morning madam!. You don't know me but I've come to!.!.!.!."

"Oh, no need to explain!. I've been expecting you," Mrs!. Smith cut in!.

"Really!?" the photographer asked!. "Well, good! I've made a specialty of babies!."

"That's what my husband and I had hoped!. Please come in and have a seat!. Just where do we start!?" asked Mrs!. Smith, blushing!.

"Leave everything to me!. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch and perhaps a couple on the bed!. Sometimes the living room floor is fun too; you can really spread out!."

"Bathtub, living room floor!? No wonder it didn't work for Harry and me!."

"Well, madam, none of us can guarantee a good one every time!. But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results!."

"I hope we can get this over with quickly," gasped Mrs!. Smith!.

"Madam, in my line of work, a man must take his time!. I'd love to be in and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that, I'm sure!."

"Don't I know!!" Mrs!. Smith exclaimed!.

The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures!. "This was done on the top of a bus in downtown London!."

"Oh my god!!" Mrs!. Smith exclaimed, tugging at her handkerchief!.

"And these twins turned out exceptionally well when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with!." The photographer handed Mrs!. Smith the picture!.

"She was difficult !?" asked Mrs!. Smith!.

"Yes, I'm afraid so!. I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right!. People were crowding around four and five deep, pushing to get a good look!."

"Four and five deep!?" asked Mrs!. Smith, eyes widened in amazement!.

"Yes", the photographer said!. "And for more than three hours too!. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling!. I could hardly concentrate!. Then darkness approached and I began to rush my shots!. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just packed it all in!."

Mrs!. Smith leaned forward!. "You mean they actually chewed on your, eh!.!.!.!.!.!.equipment!?"

"That's right!. Well madam, if you're ready, I'll set up my tripod so that we can get to work!."

"Tripod!?!?", Mrs!. Smith looked extremely worried now!.

"Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my Canon on!. It's much too big for me to hold while I'm getting ready for action!. Madam!? Madam!?!.!.!.!.!. Good Lord, she's fainted!!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a Panasonic Lumix fz30!.!.!. it is showing 72!. Is that bad!? I had noticed this number a couple weeks ago as I have gotten a lil more into resizing pics on the resize image screen you are talking about!.
I have changed it, to a higher number on some pics, but cant tell exactly what that does!.
Maybe someone who knows a lot about this should make a post about it and what it actually meansWww@QuestionHome@Com

dont know

input resolution is a moot point to me - the pictures show what i mean: http://www!.cameralabs!.com/reviews/Canon5!.!.!.

a 12mp 1!.5 cropped sensor will have a bigger number than a FF 12mp!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

a point n shoot 12mp will have the biggest ppi input res and the worse noise!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

heres a cool link for you, choose any cam you want and you will have all the answers:



Hey Sam!. Both my Canon 400D and 40D say 72ppi!. But I dont know how this affects anything!. Do you have something up your sleeve!?

How many photographers does it take to screw in a lightbulb!?
10, 1 to screw it in telling you all the technical details and how it would look through their camera and 9 to stand around saying I can do it better than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kodak Easyshare C813, 8!.2 megapixel, gives me photos, which are 6!.867 wide by 5!.15 tall, at 480 pixels / inchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Kodak P880 8!.1 mp 3264 x 2448
Kodak DX6490 4!.1 mp 2304 x 1536Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, i will tell you something funny!. whos teeth are those in the picture!? they look like a beaver!.!.!.lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Canon EOS 300D (180 ppi)


There was this haunted house on the outskirts of the town which was avoided by all the townfolk - the ghost which `lived' there was feared by all!.

However, an enterprising journalist decided to get the scoop of the day by photographing the fearsome phantom!. When he entered the house, armed with only his camera, the ghost descended upon him, clanking chains et al!. He told the ghost "I mean no harm - I just want your photograph"!. The ghost was quite happy at this chance to make the headlines - he posed for a number of ghostly shots!.

The happy journalist rushed back to his dark room, and began developing the photos!. Unfortunately, they turned out to be black and underexposed!.

So what's the moral of the story!?

The spirit was willing but the flash was weak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dr!. Sam, to be honest, I am sometimes very confused by this!. I was never sure if this was something set by the camera itself, or photoshop!. And it took me a minute, but I did verify the ppi (or dpi as some people call it)!. My D80 can or will output 640 ppi!. My image, 640ppi!. I verified this in photoshop CS2, file> file info> camera data 2!. The file came straight from my camera, from the SD card to photoshop with nothing yet done to it!. I hope this was what you were looking for!.


Crap! I missed the bit about the joke!.


There was a bear and a rabbit taking a sh*t in the woods!. The bear leans over to the rabbit and asks him, "Do you have problems with sh*t sticking to your fur!?" The rabbit says, "No!."

So!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.the bear wiped his butt with the rabbit!.
