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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any photoshop experts out there who fancy a challenge?

Question: Any photoshop experts out there who fancy a challenge!?
This is a beautifull statue I saw recently in Benidorm harbour, unfortunately photographically speaking it's glass encased, a polarizing filter might have helped a little but I didn't have one!.

While I'm an experienced photographer, I'm a dinosaur as far as computers go!.

Using the information contained in these three photogrpahs, could anyone produce me a good one without any reflections!?




PLease don't tell me to buy photoshop and do it myself, I just don't have that sort of aptitude!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Give me a bit of time and I'll have a go at taking away the reflections for you for FREE!

Email me at; phatphotoshed@yahoo!.com so I know how to send them to you!.

Take care,

It would be easier if you could re-shoot on an overcast day!. Stand to one side if you need to, and it can be manipulated to restore the appearance of head-on perspective!.

Especially in the first photo, the reflections you want to remove are just too big and cover detail that can't be cloned easily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're able to shoot it again, take a pair of polarized sunglasses and put it in front of the lens!. This will work in a pinch!. Make sure you increase your exposure compensation just a touch as sunglasses are designed to reduce light!.

As for photoshopping it, the easiest way of doing what you suggest is to traces each reflection and adjust it that way!. That would be very time consuming rather than going out and doing what I suggest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'd be more than happy to do all 3 for you for 100bucks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com