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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Acrylic paint drying time???

Question: Acrylic paint drying time!?!?!?
My daughter has painted a wooden model with acrylics!. How long until it's dry (safe for the ride to school)!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Acrylic paint drys really really fast, it'a the medium I use the most, with me and it depends how much you use it drys under 5 mins!.

The only way it seems to stay wet is using gel retarder!.

Just keep checking you wont have a long wait!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not very long depending on thickness, should be touch dry in minutes, and dry in 30 minutes, 24 hrs to solidified, use fan or circulate air to help,


it takes about 2 mins!. if not then i dont know!.!. sorry
im a painter u know artistWww@QuestionHome@Com