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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone tell me how to make one of these?

Question: Can someone tell me how to make one of these!?
look at this!.!.!.
how do you make one of these!?!?
if you know how can you please make me one!?!?
My name is Kristina so you can use that
Please help me!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you want your name to flash on tinypic!?

ok get a program that you can make GIF's on

try www!.gimp!.org


You would use gif animation software!. This software is not that expensive ($30), but also has a 20-use free download trial version!.


You would simply create the various versions of your name (using drawings and a scanner or some text/photo editor) and then use the software to animate the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com