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Question: I cant draw anymore!!!!!!?
I dont know what to do!. I'm not really talented at anything else but talking!. I wanna work on a few projects but my drawing ability is GONE!.

What do i do to get my talent back!? What kinda stuff do people do to make themselves better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To rechannel your ability, here's a suggestion: This is a separate project, so it should be treated as an assignment!. You need a notebook that's not for anything else!. any drawing you do or don't do outside of this is not relevant!.

OK, how it works: do one drawing per day!. Only one, no cheating! If it's only a little pencil stroke, fine!. Write the date and place on it and put the notebook away till the next day!.

Don't think ahead about this, there's no obligation to do more or less drawing!. However, for the insight to be available at the end of the project, you need to keep it to one per day!.

The people I know who have benefitted most from this started out to do it for a month, then found they were in the habit and they kept it up!. Everyone does it a bit differently, but they're all glad they do!.

I promise you'll find this helpful if you give it a go!. It is purely for your own benefit and there's no pressure to produce mind-blowing works to impress people, it's just a very accessible, very handy way to create a personal reference!.

And don't worry about the projects!. Lots of people just turn things to the wall when they're not going anywhere, and when the time is right they get back to them!.!. or not!. It's all your own call!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

buy a small sketch book and carry it everywhere you go!. when you are bored while waiting in a line, restaurant, doctors office or whatever, pull out your book and start doodling!. if you aren't sure what to draw, start drawing abstractly, and something will either form from that, or an idea will come to you!. the more practice you do, the better artist you can become!.

find inspiration in new things!. try drawing flowers or other things from nature, since there is always a different curve or direction your line can go!. the different strokes/directions can help train your hand and eye!. The better you get at drawing what you see, the easier it will be to put the image in your mind onto paper!.

try different mediums, switch from pencils to pens to markers!. that way, you get used to using them all!. you might find that one will work better for you than the other!.

go to the library and check out some cartooning books, or "how to draw books", because you could learn good methods from them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you have been am artist before and just took a break and now you cant draw anymore, I would say that you have to get back into the zone, remember how it is that you used to draw, maybe you had to clear your mind, or take your time!. For example I am a brilliant artist, but that doesnt make me talented at every drawing I ever make, some come out crappy because I may be trying to rush the idea or the drawing, rather than taking my time and letting ideas come to me naturally, if it comes naturally chances are it will turn out better, becuase you have perfect vision of what it should look like, and your mind can heavily concentrate on that and make a masterpiece out of just an imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is true when they say practice makes perfect!. Grab a piece of paper and go sit outside, pick something and start drawing it, use extreme detail and pay attention to shading etc!.!.!.your first few wont be so great but the more you draw the better you will get again!. Pick random things, dumpsters, terraces, whatever just something odd and draw it!. I had the same problem and I just brought my pad of paper with me in my car and everywhere I went I drew something there and it ended up being amazing!. I had to sit and wait on a train to pass so I pulled it out and I saw one super cool car on the train with graffiti and I drew it my way, even though it was gone it ended up so cool and gave me a chance to draw from memory, and now its all good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all dont make it feel like work or a strain, just enjoy it

buy a little sketchbook carry it in your pocket, and whenever you see something that appeals to you take the book out and sketch it, in fact sketch as much as possible, you learn more from doing forget about "how to" books just DRAW that will help you improve

even though you shouldnt treat it as work, you should still have a dedication for it, and just giving up wont help, draw from life

JUST DRAW and dont stop lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

You just believe that you are a horrible drawer-you might think that the drawings are bad but they could actually be great!.

You might also think that you are a bad drawer, making yourself belive that you are bad, therefore it has a sort of "mass hysteria" effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I do something else for a little bit, then while im eating or watching tv or something casual, i'll start to doodle and sketch things!.!. they usualy turn out to be exactly what i was trying so hard for hours before!.!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wake up in the morning and the world is a better place!. Keep on drawing and screw what everyone says!. I am sure you draw beautifully honey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


keep drawing--a real artists never stops--wether it's doodling or some serious study work!. pick up a pencil and start drawing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can't just lose the ability to draw!. you must have sucked to begin with and just thought that you were good or something!. no offense!.!.!.!.!.!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would start from doodling small things or tracing another piece of art work to bring out the little nuances in it!.

start small then work your way back up to the bigger projects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just gotta practice - they've got drawing books out there - you know, step by step!. Those improve hand -eye coordination!. But otherwise - practice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no such thing as talent, there is only skill!.

Practice, Practice, Practice

You must teach your hands again, that which they have forgotten!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do some easy steps by trying to trace things or do the simple steps first and see if you can get it by yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

Practice makes perfect =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

practice!. draw things with detail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u must hav been not good to begin with or somthing try art classesWww@QuestionHome@Com

if its gone is gone sweetieWww@QuestionHome@Com