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Position:Home>Visual Arts> There is this digital camera that can take black and white photos and it has col

Question: There is this digital camera that can take black and white photos and it has color in the photo also!.!?
for ex!. http://img!.photobucket!.com/albums/v159/r!.!.!.

do you know the name of the camera that can do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a matter of fact I do!.!.!. all the Canon Powershots have a feature called "color accent!." This allows you to automatically change everything into black and white except the colors you choose!.

If this feature is a must, I recommend the Canon Powershot SD1100!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So many people think this is a camera effect, but in 99% of the cases, this is done in photo editing software in the computer!. There ARE cameras that have a "My Colors" function!.!.!. Canon point and shoots I belive have this feature!. However it will not do what you want!. You can set the camera to display only certain colors, but it will display all of those colors in the photo!. So for example, in the sample photo you sent, if red was selected and one of the girls was wearing red, the clothes would also be in red, not just the flags!. NO camera knows what you want in your mind!. The camera is just recording data, it does not "see" a photo at all!. You can't tell it, "I want the flags in color and the rest in black and white"!. It just does not work that way!.!.!. sorry!. It is a relative easy thing to do in photoshop!. Here is how to do it, perhaps you know someone with the photoshop program:

As is true of many procedures in Photoshop, there are several ways of doing selective color!. This is a quick and easy method!.

First open your photo in PS of course!.

Then go to Layer - Duplicate Layer

Click OK

Then go to Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation

Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left to make the photo black and white!.

Click OK

Then get the ERASER tool from the tool box on the left side of the screen!. It is usually the next tool under the clone stamp tool!. Just hover your mouse over the tool, and it will say Eraser!.

When you have selected the Eraser, go up to the Brush options box at the top of the screen, and click on the downfacing arrow!. Set the Hardness of the brush to 100% so you will have accurate control of selection!. You may also need to raise or lower the brush size to suit!.

Erase away any black and white from where you want the color to be revealed!.

When done go to
Layer - Flatten Image

Then just do a Save As to wherever you want to save the photo!.

hope this helps you


That is usually done in some photo-editing program but I do have a setting on my camera called "color accent!." I can point my camera at a certain color, select it, and that will be the only color that appears in the photos I take (everything else will be grayscaled)!.

I own a Canon PowerShot A530!.

You're better off using photoshop!. The cheap alternative is to download the (less effective but) free version of PhotoFiltre!. It's pretty simple to create that effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can use http://www!.picnik!.com
* upload image
* click the "create" tab
* click "black and white"
* "paint" the colored area you want


Cameras don't take pictures like that!. You take a regular color photo and using editing software make the changes!.
It's a really cool effect though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No camera will do that!. You can either take color or black and white photos and then you take away or add the color later using a program like Gimp or Photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
