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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best way for my brother to film our wedding on a didgital camera?

Question: What is the best way for my brother to film our wedding on a didgital camera!?
i was thinking that he stands at the frount and film then pan around when i go upto the frount!. but my fience wants him to do it from the side!. how do you think it should work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
mildly interestir man's advice sounds good!.

But whatever you do, put those cameras on a tripod and make sure your brother knows not do get carried away with moving around and zooming in and out too much!.
Most amateur movies make me dizzy because people think it's fun playing with all the functions as much as possible and then it's pretty awful!.
If you haven't done that anyway, make sure your brother films a few other things for you to watch and you like the way he does it before he takes the important pics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a professional stills photographer this is my advice

Go with an angle of 45 degrees infront of you both would on the brides side!. The reasons I say this are

1!. If the video comes from the side then as you turn to each other you'll no longer be able to see whats happpening or the video man will have to run around and you'll end up with jumpy images!.
2 As you face forwards or towards each other you'll still have a clear shot without having to move the camera!.
3 if you put it on the brides side you can see the sides and back of the dress rather than a dull suit as the bride turns!.

A second camera would be good from the back of the church giving a generic image!.

I personally have 3 still cameras 2 on tripods as discribed above which i trigger wirelessly and then a third which i use hand held!. This would work with video as well allowing the 3rd camera to watch your guests faces!.

It shouldnt be that hard to find 3 video cameras as you only really need one person to work them once they are set up and running!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you mean a digital video camera!? I say get 2 or 3 others to video as well, then get a quality audio recorder to capture the audio up close!. That way, you can edit the video to show anything you want while the audio is still moving linearly!.

But to answer your question, I think from the side is best!. Shooting someone head-on and possibly down-low (if he's crouching ) tends to look very unflattering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whichever way you do it get it right because you only got one chance!. I think your way is the best, get lots of facial shots, it might help to get a camera stand!. Try and record the audio on a separate device as well, this will help make your wedding video look and sound better when it comes to editing!. If you can try using a couple of camcorders this will also help the editing!. Good luck happy marriage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of this will depend on who is officiating!. For instance, most churches have their own rules about this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i recone he follows you done the il then move to his seat then keep the camra on you all the way to the oltaWww@QuestionHome@Com