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Position:Home>Visual Arts> My Camera isn't uploading my pictures..why is that? Please help..?

Question: My Camera isn't uploading my pictures!.!.why is that!? Please help!.!.!?
YEah yeah!.!.posted this question a lot!.!.
My camera fails to upload my pictures on both of my cameras!. I think there may be something wrong with my camera!. It takes pictures ok but when I try to upload them!.!.it does not upload at all!. Even if I tried to upload them on 2 computers, it still does not work!. If I buy a "Card Reader" will my pictures upload!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have you installed any software that came with your camera !? You probably need that for your computer to recognise your camera when you plug in the cable to download your images!. Yes a suitable card reader should work fine, just make sure it will take your type of card!.Www@QuestionHome@Com