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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I wanna do somthing with this talent !!??

Question: I wanna do somthing with this talent !!!?!?
ok so im an artist, i guess, and i like to draw, ive recntly finished a couple of sketches!. But i dont know, i want to do somthing, paint!.!. sketch!.!.!.
but i feel like its too hard, i cant get ideas from my head down onto paper, wat do i dooo!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Piece of advice, since you ask!.

If you really find it too hard to do, even two sketches, then you really don't want to do it bad enough!.

If you expect to "do something" with your talent, then you will have to expect to work hard at it, especially at spending the time at practicing your craft!. All top talent practices their skills!. No one, at the top of their game gets a skill set "dropped" into their laps!. They work at it!. And, they don't spend their time working on the easy stuff they already know!. They spend their time working on the HARD stuff so that, after time, it comes easier!.

That's how talent is developed!. There are NO shortcuts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can take classes!. That's what I would do!. It sounds like you have raw talent!. Just work with that!. Professors are good at really making you work hard!. also I would talk to some already accomplished artist around you !. Experience and success are what you need advice from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't overthink it, draw what you see, draw what you think you see, draw what really dosn't matter!. Practice, draw friends, family, dreams, places!. You don't have to generate all your sketches from your head, draw what is in front of you and continue from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

find things that inspire u like something off the internet to get a feel for it then put it on paper in your own wayWww@QuestionHome@Com