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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is this and how do I fix it in Photoshop?

Question: What is this and how do I fix it in Photoshop!?
Please take a look at this photo:

See how you can't really see any details on the inside of the flower!.!.!. there are little things with pollen on them sticking up, but you can just barely make them out!. What exactly is this problem!? Is it an overblown highlight, or overexposure, or what!?

And, more importantly, how would I go about fixing this using Photoshop (CS2)!?

Thanks a ton! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, the highlights are blown!. If there's no information there, which there isn't, you can't fix it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dr!. Sam's right!. The shot should be retaken!. Possible solutions might be to light the flower from behind, putting the inside of the back petal in shade!. The back lighting should also serve to put a halo around the pollen holding parts!. Another solution might be to set your depth of field to allow the wanted parts to be in sharp focus while the petals to the front and back to be slightly out of focus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dr!. Sam is correct--it was overexposed (and the camera's sensor can see only a narrow ranger of lights--as in from dark to bright light)--however, if your camera can do RAW mode, it might be able to "recover" it a bit, like this:


Yes, it is over exposed!. When photographing bright yellow flowers like this one you will need to use exposure compensation (EV)!. Normally around -0!.5 to -1 stops does the trick!.

This is one I captured like this!.!.

You know what you can do, you can actually go to Edit, transform, and make the image enlarged!. It will clear up once you apply the transformation!. Hope I helped!. ?? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com