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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where are some schools for animation in the united states?

Question: Where are some schools for animation in the united states!?
What type of degree would one need to get into animation anyway!? My daughter wants to work in animation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hehe your daughter just like me wanting to study animation in the US for animation =]
there are tons!!!

What most art schools look for is a portfolio for entry!. The portfolio must contain fine arts works or works that show she has a basic skill of fine arts!. Art schools tend to look for foundation skills in the portfolio work before they can accept you into their school, they just want to see if you have a base in drawing!. People think animation is just doodling and all that but most things you see being drawn are by people who have done life drawings and observational drawings!.

Animation isn't just about animating a character or a things!. There are other specific subjects that are included in animation, depends what she wants to do in animation, whether it is 2D character animation, 3D animation, CGI (real 3D animation) or even the film aspect of animation (studying the theories, concepts, genres, conventions, gratifications)!. It depends what she is interested in!. =]

I first looked at Cal Arts , California Institute of the Arts!. Most of the animators from Pixar graduated from there and there are summer school courses for she can go and develop her skills!. Summer schools provide more experience for high school students to understand their own interests, it is a very good opportunity for her!.

also Rhode Island is another great art school that specializes in animation as well, their students have been really successful in the animation industry especially in being nominated and winning the student academy awards!.

These two school i recommend =] But there are others as well such as :
Art Centre
Oriental (Toronto Canada)

I hope this has helped!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animation is mostly offered in art school's exculsively, as you would know!.!. and a great art school that your daughter possibly may already know about is the Art Institute!. Their are programs there where you can get an individual degree for Media Arts, which is actually an awesome choice of degree to get, because this covers types of work such as Animation & Special Effects Audio, Visual, & Digital Media, Game Design & Programming , Photography, and Web Design & Interactive Media!.

Because your daughter is interested in animation, she's definately going to enjoy knowing that they teach you about all the programs and skills that are needed to do so!. =) I"ve attached a source where you can check out more information on the school!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com