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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Once I'm done editing an alpha channel, how do I bring up the selection?

Question: Once I'm done editing an alpha channel, how do I bring up the selection!?
This is in Photoshop CS3 by the way!. I know it sounds weird, but I'll be editing an alpha channel (to make a partial selection for instance, or a fade away selection) but after I'm done I can't select the area I edited!. Meaning, I'm stuck with an alpha channel and all the editing is useless anyway!. Help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have photoshop 7 but I think it is the same!.!.

Once you have done all the editing on the alpha channel you can change it into a selection by clicking the little dotted circle (it is found on the channels window)!.

However, this only makes the selection active on the alpha channel!.!. so for example clicking delete will not delete the selected area of the image (it actually does nothing at all)!. So, to apply the selection to the whole image you click on the RGB channel (or whichever channel applies to the color mode you are working in)!. Now you can make changes to the image that will only affect the selected area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com