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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I get make a background to an already made picture transparent?

Question: How do I get make a background to an already made picture transparent!?
Using Gimp if possible!.
Tutorials are a great help too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
GIMP: Just delete the white backgound, if you cant, like if theres already something there,

1!. You can use the "Select by Color" tool to select the background color and use the "Eraser" tool to rub the selected color out!.

2!. You can just use the "Eraser" tool to rub out stuff you want transparent!.

The "Eraser" tool automatically transparents colors!.

Then click "File" >> "Save As" and type in <filename> !.gif or !.png as they both support transparency!. (Thats what I always use!.)

A window opens, select "Merge all visible layers" for just a normal photo, or "Save as animation" if you're making an animated GIF!. Then click "Export", then "Save"Www@QuestionHome@Com

open both background and transparent picture, select either and copy and paste on to other into new layer, duplicate bottom layer, move up to top, edit two top layers,

if any part is to be kept transparent for web, save as gif or png, if keeping all of back ground, save as jpg,