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Position:Home>Visual Arts> ? Anybody with ideas for Photoshop? ??

Question: ? Anybody with ideas for Photoshop!? ?!?
I am doing a Photography project regarding the theme of "struggle!."

My original idea was to have a pregnant female standing there looking depressed!.

The background will consist of pictures of her thoughts and concerns ( I'll have pictures of her boyfriend, her school, her friends, her interests, her family, etc!.)

She's thinking about how everything in her life is going to change once she decides to have the baby!.

But then I decided it was kind of you know plain!. Any ideas on ways to IMPROVE it!?

Thanks, help appreciated!. ?? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you have a good idea, but it is difficult to know how to improve it without actually seeing anything!. I would suggest you put something together, post it online and ask for suggestions at that point!. It doesn't have to be perfect when you post it, just give a good sense of what you are trying to portray!.

You might try http://img58!.imageshack!.us/ and post the link to your image here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com