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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Has anyone heard of Getty Images?

Question: Has anyone heard of Getty Images!?
Why do they ask that we pay $1,200!.00 or $1,400!.00 per image!? (Accidental infringement)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They own some of the most well known and sought after photographic images in the world!.

When a business has the products and services that are in the greatest demand, they would be foolisn NOT to charge more than competitors!. If you wanted that EXACT image of Nixon, closely conferring with Kissinger, and wanted a high resolution copy instead of a crappy low res online photo, you know where to get one, but be prepared to pay for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are a business!. Usually it is the Rights Managed images that cost that much!. Rights Managed means you have limits (time limit, one use only, etc) on the use of the image!. They are the highest quality images!.

Royalty free images cost less around $100-$400 and you have no limits on their use!. Very good quality but not as much as Rights Managed!.

Go to istockphoto!.com where images can cost $1-$10!. They are not as good but affordable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gettyimages is a really good place to go, and it actually offers a good amount of pics for free!. All you have to do is go to the tab you want (creative, editorial, music, or footage) and click in the search box near the top!. A menu will appear, and you uncheck all the boxes except "royalty-free!." royalty free are the ones that don't cost anything!. I had that problem a while ago too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Getty (as in the Getty museum) owns the rights to the images and they need their money! The Getty family estate was smart to get on image rights early and they work with photographers all over the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a commercial image house and it's their business!. They can charge anything they like!. There are other companies that do the same service that charge far less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com