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Question: Photography lighting question!?
Whats the difference between a light bulb thats 5100 k and 2800 k!. I need a bright white light and am contemplating between buying a light that is
a!. 75 watt tungsent bulb equal to 300 watts, 2800 k OR
b!. 50 watt bulb equal to 200 watts, 5100 k

I want to know what will give me a brighter light, and which light would cast a more yellowish glow!?

Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're asking two questions here!. Color temperature and brightness aren't the same thing!.

The 300 watt light is brighter than the 200 watt light but the 5100K light is whiter than the 2800K light!. For the most part, the bigger the wattage, the brighter the light!. The bigger the temperature number, the whiter the light will appear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Larry M is correct!
Additionally, make sure the white balance is set to the correct setting (with a digital camera)!. 5100k is close to the daylight setting, and 2800k is close to the tungsten setting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

See the color temp chart here:

The 75 watt bulb will cast a yellow tone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com