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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Plz define "innate ability" in drawing?? As opposed to "having le

Question: Plz define "innate ability" in drawing!?!? As opposed to "having learned"!.!.!.!.!?
as with anything, i understand certain ppl will be able to pick up something quicker etc!. But with drawing!.!.!.as far as i'm concerned, i don't think anyone becomes da vinci or picasso overnight as a 5 year old, just because they had "innate ability!." so wat are the qualities being referred to when mentioning " innate ability!?" are they just interchanging these concepts with "motivation and desire to know how to draw!?" And either way, everyone's gotta practise regardless to improve!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For drawing specifically 'Talent' or 'Innate ability' I think isn't simply someone who is really good fast!.
The first important part is simply interest!. child A is interested in art, how it works, and wants to get better!. child B likes drawing because it is fun but doesn't care how it works!. A will improve much quicker then B, it's simply due to desire to learn!.
also drawing can be divided into 2 general types!. Structural drawing, and emotional drawing!. Most A types, (the ones who will get pretty good) will lean one way or the other!. Some will be very good at structural drawing, others will be good at putting emotion, or gesture in their work!. With younger artists at first the structural minded ones will look better!. Their work looks like things, a house, a city, a car ect!. where as their emotional counter parts are more interested in making a sad picture then a correct picture!. their work can become great, perhaps even better then the structured stuff in time but both sides need to draw from the other!. pure emotional work is headed in an abstract direction, pure structural to an architectural direction!.

It's the people who can handle both types of art that will become exceptional artists, and are considered gifted, or talented!. Their brain just naturally sits in the right place where they can understand the logic behind the work, while still being loose enough to bring in that emotional side!.
A Di Vinci is someone who has the right brain wiring but also has the modesty and interest to know there is always more to learn, and more ways to improve!.
I know one person who is very gifted, his brain is wired in just the right way, unfortunately his arrogance is slowing down his progress :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why some people are innately better at this than others, but it's obvious that some people can do it and some can't--training can make the ones who can't do it able to create something that might be technically okay, it might look like what the person is trying to draw, but if someone has the talent to begin with, training will make him or her better, maybe teach some techniques!.

Most people doodle or draw as children, but some can obviously make it look like something recognizable or maybe capture a feeling, and others (like me!) just create a mess that barely looks like what the person is trying to draw!. Whether it's a better sense of perspective or better understanding of light and shadow or of how colors combine, some people have ability that they don't need to be taught!. And that's innate!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Innate ability in art means the person is born with the talent so when they learn to use that talent they have far better abilities because the talent was there !.!.latent in them waiting to be used as the person learned!.
The same for music,math,science!. Some people just naturally get those things right away and make it all look so easy!.
That said, Even if a person is born with the ability to excel far beyond what most people can in any given thing, they still have to pursue that ability and use it!. Otherwise it is wasted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Innate ability usually refers to those who learn quicker and maybe have a few more skills when they come out of the womb!. However, anyone can have motivation and become a great artist!.!.!.innate ability helps especially in the beginning, but ultimately artists need much practice and a great motivation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone with an artist in the family or who has worked with artists will know what each of these terms mean, in 3D and in Technicolor!.

The one with this innate talent will have moments where the creative juices flair up and nothing in the world can stop the flow!.

Nothing comes in the way when this happens!. Forget eating or sleeping!.

It is just the artist, the moment and the "Muse"Www@QuestionHome@Com