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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why not as avatar?

Question: Why not as avatar!?
Why doesn't anyone use this picture as an avatar!? And how do i make pictures like these as my avatar!?

Heres the picture

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The reason nobody uses that picture as an avatar is because there are literally trillions of images in the world, and not enough people to use each one as an avatar!.

To use that image as your Yahoo Answers avatar, you need to upload it as your profile picture in Yahoo 360 http://360!.yahoo!.com/login!.html!?!.done=ht!.!.!. and then tell Yahoo Answers to use it as your Answers picture!. To do this, go to My Profile, then Edit My Info, then click the button to tell it to use your Yahoo 360 picture!. Then preview and submit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe someone who wants to be associated with nasty porno theater public masturbation does use it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com