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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What types of things do you learn/do in a painting class?

Question: What types of things do you learn/do in a painting class!?
I am thinking about enrolling in one and I'm not sure what it's likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Painting classes are awesome, you really do learn a lot!. They'll go over blending, contrasting, and you'll learn about the various materials( diff!. canvases, etc)!. It will really help you improve your painting skills, if thats what you want to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it always depends on where you are taking the class, and the instructor!. But in general, you learn about color and mixing, different painting surfaces, building up the painting surface, different ways of applying paint, and how to paint from life!. You'll most likely being painting self portraits, still life's, landscapes, and maybe interiors and figure painting!.
I would advise to take a drawing class or two before jumping into painting as it's important to have a good drawing foundation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, based on my personal experience, it all depends on the professor from whom you are receiving instruction!. In my fundamentals of design course, I received little to no instruction!. My teacher was horrible therefore I did not learn too much!. My teacher simply assigned pieces for us to do without any real instruction or example!. The only thing that mattered to her was that we turned in our work regardless of what it looked like!. The only thing you can do is possibly ask other students about the class and teacher before you enroll to get an idea about whether the class is good or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually, you have a still life or live model set up to copy!. Most classes you have to bring your own paints, brushes, canvas unless otherwise stated!. Some Bob Ross style classes have an instructor that paints on a canvas in front of the class and you follow along!. They supply everything except paper towels and wipes Have fun!. Everyone has to start somewhere!. Just ask what you need to bring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that one of the things that you would need to learn is media and tools needed in order to work in a particular media!. Of course, by media, I mean watercolor, oil, or acrylics!. THERE ARE so many things to learn that you would probably want to stick to basics for quite a while!. Many artistd focus on one media for a long time and then advance to more complicated areas in the ART WORLD!. I have always believed that experience is the best TEACHER when it comes to art!. I read a paper back book one time that was entitled NO ONE CAN TEACH YOU ART!.!.!.!.I agree with this to some degree!. HOWEVER, you can be taught the basics and advance from there!. DO NOT be discouraged because many artists advance slowly!. THERE will probably not be any ONE MAN SHOWS for a while, but as long as you feel good about what you are doing, you are working toward you goal!. Creativity and Origniality are the keys to be a succesful artist!. Some instructors my allow you to copy for a while, and I suppose this is alright as long as the proper credits are given, but do not continue to copy!. Everyone is not born with the artistic ability of a Rembrandt, or Michaelangelo, but we can advance and enjoy our CREATIONS!. Yes, I encourange you to take art lessons and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!.!.!.!.GOD bless you and yours and HAPPY PAINTING!.!.!.!.NOMADICWww@QuestionHome@Com

ummmm maybe how to paint!. idk thats just a guess
or it might teach you how to color but idkWww@QuestionHome@Com